I do not know where to begin to thank you for loving me enough for the both of us, and for ultimately loving my negative side just as much as you loved my good. For a long time, I was consumed in negativity, and could not see anything past that, but you did. When my evils and demons fought you, you refused to surrender and fought me until I believed what you were telling me.
So often, people would ask me to open up about my depression and I genuinely believe that they wanted to listen, but what they begged me to unleash became too much of a burden, and I completely understand that. You not only allowed me to tell you the anxieties that riddled my brain, you stuck around after I did. My problems were never too big for you. Thank you for being someone who I know actually wanted to listen, never someone that felt obligated to.
So often, people would ask me what they could do to help me and I genuinely appreciate them for asking, but what I could never thank you enough for was never asking. You never asked, you just knew. You knew that sometimes when I cried I needed to be alone; you knew that sometimes when I cried so loud I couldn’t hear my own thoughts, I just needed you to hold me, and you knew that when I said I didn’t want your help, that is when I needed it the most.
So often, people would immerse themselves in my life in hopes that they could make life a little brighter therefor casting out the shadows in my mind, and I genuinely believe that they believe they could. You never tried to change me or distract me from my depression, you simply loved me through it and that was all I needed.
My battle with depression was just that -- a battle. I know that there will be many to come against this war a wage with my own self ,but I know you will remain a solider fighting for me. Thank you for loving me when I cannot love myself. Your unshakable support does not go unnoticed.