You know the people who could never keep a relationship going for longer than a month? Well, that used to be me. I could never keep a relationship to save my life; I would always end it whenever I felt like I was scared with a few exceptions of the guy breaking my heart.
I never realized how rewarding and great it feels to actually commit to someone who I care for dearly. Yes, there are some bad days, but there are more good days than anything.
Back in high school, my friends knew me as someone who went from one boyfriend to the next. Honestly, I never liked it. I wanted to try to keep something going but something in the back of my mind convinced me otherwise.
I would like to say that I am a part of the every growing group of people with daddy issues. As some of my friends know, I had grown up without ever meeting my father and, I hate to say the cliché, but it is true, that I could not keep a relationship due to this. I used to blame him for leaving and it left me with the feeling that I was never good enough for anyone, so I would always end it before I found out that I was right. That I was not good enough for the boy. It wasn't until the end of junior year where I started to realize that I am good enough for someone. Luckily for me, my current boyfriend is always there to remind me of this whenever I have my moments of doubt, and I cannot thank him enough for that.
Looking back now, I have reached a two-year relationship with my current boyfriend and I can see the progress of my growth. I can see how far I have come mentally and emotionally, because of my confidence in relationships now.
For those with similar problems, all I can say is to tell yourself that you are worth it every single day. At my low moments I tell myself "I can do this" and "You are worth it." Trust me, the results are really worth it in the end. I could not be happier with my boyfriend, and I appreciate everything he has done for me since I can be such a pain in the butt at times, but he puts up with me through thick and thin. I could not be any luckier.