Being a make up lover myself, I understand the various reasons for which people wear make up. When I wake up in the morning, my eyes are puffy but my concealer, mascara and some eye shadow help me out, my break outs are showing but some foundation, concealer and powder come to the rescue, my eyebrows are sparse oh wait, hi eyebrow pencil! And my skin might look dull but my highlighter, bronzer and blush come in handy. Yes, I don’t wear make up every day and many other people don’t but a lot of people do wear it on a daily basis.
We live in a society in which perfection is almost a requirement and flawless skin and a beautiful face fit into this standard which is why techniques such as “contouring”, “strobing”, “color correcting” between so many more exists and continue developing. Whilst some people are blessed with nice skin, many others have not so perfect skin and that’s when make up comes in. The amount of times that I’ve heard someone say “oh why is she wearing so much make up” or “wow is that a man wearing make up?” and many other similar expressions, are countless. “She” is wearing as much make up as she is wearing because she wants to and if a “he” wanted to do so too guess what? He can. It’s so ironic how the media and society itself pressure everyone into this idea of being perfect but the moment people try to fit in and try to be closer to perfection, they’re judged for it.
Many people have troubled skin that affects self esteem and make up is almost like a mask to hide all the imperfections, these people would rather be judged for wearing make up than to be judged by the appearance of their skin and that’s something that thousands of people will never understand. Other people wear make up because although they accept the way the look, they love make up and its power, it gives you confidence, it enhances your features and it is a beautiful art. Regardless of the reason, if it is not affecting you, if no one is trying to make you wear make up and no one is judging you, why on earth is it bothering you? Why do you think you have the permission to judge someone simply for doing something that you don’t do or approve of? You are human too and even if your insecurities are not make up related, you have other insecurities, now imagine someone judging you for those or remember the times someone has actually judged you for them and how they made you feel because that is how you are making others feel. Say it’s not about insecurities, say it’s about taste. How would you feel if someone was judging you for wearing your favorite clothing item and they made you feel as if it was almost a crime? Not pretty right?
And yes, welcome to the 21st century because men can wear make up too. We have this idea in our minds of which things women can do or wear and what men can do or wear, we try to divide activities and actions by gender but guess what? It’s not like that anymore. As the world is advancing, so should our minds. Many men wear make up and it’s ok, they don’t have to have a reason for it either.
Make up gives you confidence, regardless of your gender and wearing it is not “false advertisement”. Someone wearing make up should be as simple as someone wearing a shirt, its not permanent and its someones personal choice. Next time you see someone wear make up or “too much make up” don’t question it, don’t judged them, just understand that they have a reason to wear it.