To those who feel the like the world is against them, it isn't. The thoughts that cross your mind questioning why you are here and that you aren't good enough. You are good enough. We know life is hard and beats you to your knees. Whether you are depressed, have anxiety. get bullied at school there are people who want you here. I don't know you but I know I want you here because you were destined for great things and you need to know your worth. I want to see you spread your wings and fly.
We all find ourselves in hole. We contemplate why were even brought to this life. Everyone one has a purpose, whether its putting on a uniform to protect strangers or a hard hat to make the roads better to drive on. Everyone has a purpose and we all want you here. You don't have to leave this life to feel better. Accomplish your greatest fears and make the best verison of yourself.
It won't be easy, it wiwilwiwill be tough, but everything you have encountered in life has made you strong enough to handle and obstacle that will cross your path. You are strong, intelligent, kind and caring. Don't let other people flood your judgement of yourself because the only one that can flood your judgement is yourself. People will always hate you or be jealous of who you sre and what you accomplish don't let them phase you.
When life gets tough just know I want you here and so do others. I know what is like to stand up tothe devil, and return from hell, it isn't easy but when you accomplish it, you will feel on top of the world. To those who read this know I am always here to talk and help and so are other people. Don't feel like you will be a burden because you won't. For those who need a shoulder to lean on, I'll be your shoulder. Don't go through life holding grudges against yourself or others because it will only harm you. We all want you here, so go out ane make the best version of yourself. The road you take may be tough but just know if you need help I will help you. You need motivstion, I'll motivate you. Just know I want you here and I will help you accomplis your goals in life and watch you soar high above your fears and setbacks. Now go and make yourself proud and know you can count on me.