Those who have come and gone throughout my life have obviously left their mark in one way or another. Regardless if I passed you in the hall everyday or argued with you or have loved you for years, you have had some sort of impact on me. It is up to me how I should interpret these encounters and how I should cherish them. Throughout highschool, I've tried to acknowledge how everyone has affected me in my life and what they mean to me; it is my way of saying "I don't want to hate anybody anymore, let's do something about that". So what have these people given me throughout my life?
Patience. They say it is the best and most important virtue. Due to anxiety and being a natural introvert, I found comfort in computers, social media, books, and other sources alike. I found many people who shared similar interests and have become some of the closest friends I now know today. Because of potential distance, I have learned to be patient should I ever want to meet them. I'm no longer concerned with the frequency of seeing certain friends because I now know that the way they feel about me will not falter. They have shown me some of the best love the world has to offer.
Selflessness. I've learned the hard way that what goes around comes back around again. In addition, I've become more observant as to who helps me and why they do it. I have always wanted to take after their examples. My late grandparents, undoubtedly, were the biggest influence on this one. They would drop everything and come and get me should I have an emergency, regardless of the distance or the circumstances. I am trying to take it upon myself to give up myself to people. I want to help, and it makes me feel good to help. I don't do it for the reaction, praise, or thanks I may get it. It has shaped me into being a truly caring person.
Humility. I have been somebody who wins academic prize after prize, acing tests without a problem, and can manage many different outside activities. I'm not sure who exactly taught me this one, but I am thankful that I am not too proud. I feel much more comfortable keeping my accomplishments to myself. I never want to make anyone else feel lesser. I try and assure people that regardless of their point in life, they are worth more than they know and then some. I don't want my accomplishments to cloud somebody else's goals and ruin bits of their self esteem.
Gratefulness. To me, this is the most important one. This is the one I have been learning my whole life and will continue to learn. Due to home circumstances, I am utterly dependent on some people for things and independent for many other things. People have gone great lengths to get me where I am at today, and without them, I wouldn't be nearly as successful as I am. Even people who have caused me major heartbreak have taught me lessons that I will keep with me forever, and I am thankful for that. Everybody has taught me something, opened my eyes more, made me more aware. I do my best to soak it up because I want to be the best that I can be. I want to show my appreciation to those who have gotten me this far.