Before we begin, I want to state that this is for readers who are angry at the increase of people on the streets, those who think that this game is a waste of time, that the people who play are "not manly" or other demerits.
It doesn’t take much to get you people angry at the world, does it? First, people were complaining how our generation stayed inside too much playing games. Now, it's people ranting about how there are too many "gamers" outside and that they need to go back inside. So, which is it? Why is it so bad that people are going outside again?
Yes, they might have their phones out, but some of these people would have never have gone outside if not for this app. I’ve read stories of people with anxiety and depression coming out of their homes because of "Pokémon Go," meeting new people and having fun. Would you just let those fellow human beings suffer inside their homes, unable to socialize with the rest of the world? And if you think that people shouldn’t need their smartphones and should appreciate the world, you still can.
The app requires you to play a mini-game to catch Pokémon. Simply throw the ball at the Pokémon and hope that you get it. But, as many people know, that’s not all. One of its major features is the augmented reality (AR) that the game boasts, allowing players to catch these monsters as if they are all in the real world. While this may cause problems, as evidenced by stories about players being hit by cars or blocking traffic looking for Pokémon, that feature can be turned off, preventing these problems.
Instead of seeing the real world as a background, a fake background is shown, so you can focus more on capture while you walk down the streets. Even when searching for a specific Pokémon, you don’t need to check the radar all the time. When I go on my daily walks (which started as soon as I got the game), I never have my eyes glued to my phone. I leave the app on and keep my phone in my hand, and when a Pokémon is within reach, a vibration from my phone indicates something is nearby, ready for me to catch. I am still able to enjoy the scenery and am still aware of my surroundings.
Even if you still don’t want to believe it, "Pokémon Go" is such an excellent way to go out and meet new people. It has been so successful, even some businesses have joined this craze. Restaurants invite players inside to take a break and use items called "lure modules” to get a higher chance of Pokémon showing up. Even now, Sam’s Club is currently doing a promotion where Pokémon trainers can get a free cookie and a one-day pass to their warehouses if they show an employee the app on their phone.
Finally, the main reason this app has been so popular is simply because of nostalgia. Many adults grew up with games like "Pokémon" or something similar. With its somewhat simplistic controls and comprehensive goal, being able to catch them all has become more accessible than ever. Families are playing together, allowing more time spent with each other when they could be doing other things. Even my mother, who has never played a "Pokémon" game before, is enjoying the game, and has fun telling me stories about the people she sees playing or the Pokemon she has caught.
Video games are starting to become a part of our lives. Unless Nintendo, whose stock price has increased more than 90 percent in the past week, messes this up, "Pokemon Go" can only improve and get better as we continue into this new world.