To those struggling with the end of the semester drag, here are some tips on how to finish out as strong as you started:
1. Make a schedule and lots of lists.
One of the most important things to do with finals right around the corner is to make a schedule. Plan out the assignments and tests you have to complete each day. This will help keep your mind on track and not thinking about panicking about too much work. Also, creating lists are extremely helpful. If writing down everything is what you have to do, then go for it. It is an awesome way to keep your mind and life on track for the last couple weeks.
2. Take breaks.
It is extremely easy to get so into your work and studying that many people tend to forget to take some small breaks to just breath or even grab a bite to eat. You will definitely feel more energized when you return to your work after walking away for a little. Another thing to do while on your break besides eating, is eating the right things. Filling up on fries won’t give you the right amount of energy that a nice protein-packed meal will.
3. Do not procrastinate.
Even though finals are still a week away it never hurts to start preparing as early as you can. When you have free time before or in between classes, it is helpful to just even look back at old assignments to review. A lot of times, the teachers make up the tests from previous things they have handed out to you (it could even be worded the exact same). Looking back also helps you refresh your brain on how your teacher sets up their tests and how your final will be, too. In your last couple classes, ask any questions about what you’re unsure of so everything is cleared up in your mind for the final.
4. Put school first.
Although it’s so easy to want to get caught up with your friends because you won’t see them for a month, make sure your focus is on school. Its hard to maintain, but these last couple of grades and assignments can really make or break your grade.
By the end of the semester, many have met at least one person in their class that they talk to during that time. So, partnering up with them for a studying session or even to go over your past tests can make a difference on your final grade.
The main key to acing your finals is to not procrastinate, but to stay calm and organized. The sooner you prepare, the better off you’ll be.