They say college is when people find themselves. It's when we are forced to "grow up" and make life changing decisions. I may be the only one, but I feel like I haven't found myself. I only think I know what I want, but even then I see my life as a tree, with so many different possible branches. Which one do I follow? Which one is the best? Which one is the truest to myself?
Do any of these sound familiar to you?
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To the people in college going for a degree they are just now realizing they don’t want:
I believe in you. Things might be hard, whether it’s because right you’re following your parent's dreams, or you think you can’t afford the degree you really want, or just because you’re scared of change. I know you can do what’s right for yourself. Don’t be afraid to go for your real desires.
To those who are just not realizing their own gender or sexuality:
I believe in you, too. There’s nothing wrong with realizing yourself later in life, and there’s nothing wrong with not being ready for the world to know. No one else needs to know you exactly like you do, it is okay if you wait, or don’t correct people when they call you by the wrong pronoun or call your girlfriend your “gal pal." There’s nothing wrong with being assertive about those things either. Some people are more comfortable with telling ignorant people the truth, others prefer to be ghosts. Do what makes you feel best about yourself, and the world will fall into place around you. If you need someone, I'm here.
To those who are leaving home for the first time this fall:
I believe in you. You are going to fly, maybe not the first time, maybe not forever, but you’re going to see and experience things like never before. Even if you return to your nest, to your roots, you will have learned that you can do it, and you will do it again.
If you are ending a relationship,
No matter which of you terminated the relationship, try to come out stronger from it. Even if you are hurting, take care of yourself. Ice cream is permitted, but don’t skip work or class. Remember that you are your #1 and the best way to fall out of a relationship is to find yourself again.
Or if you are beginning one:
Communication is key, but that also means knowing when you need less communication. Learn to like some of the things they like, maybe if only because it makes them light up with happiness. Understand that you don’t have to share everything, including tastes in food, movies, and friends.
I believe in all of you.
To those who are dropping out of college:
I believe in you, and your ability to know when you are ahead of yourself and when you need to take a break. You aren’t a failure if you never return. You aren’t a failure at all. There are so many branches, remember?
To those who are simply struggling:
I am with you. I know what it’s like, and I can only say I hope the best for all of us.