Hey you,
I know you have it within you. The power to continue on. The power to fight these battles. You've done it before and you most certainly can do it again. Life is comprised of a series of mountains and valleys. You've hit valleys prior to this moment in your life, and you have successfully conquered once before. So by all means, you have the strength within yourself already present to conquer yet again. You need to channel it. You need to find it deep within your heart and use that energy to elevate yourself.
Think about being on the top of that mountain peak. There is no better feeling than KNOWING that you are on the right path to your goals, as opposed to the uncertainty of ASSUMING you're going the right way. Everyone hits depressions in the road, but be the one to differentiate yourself from the rest. I want you to take all the negative energy, sadness, lack of motivation, and loss of hope you're encountering and throw all that away.
Do not let your emotions dictate your actions.
Oh, you're feeling sad? Don't let it impact the way you work. As a matter of fact, I take that statement back. Let your emotions fuel the fire burning in your heart. Sad? Angry? Who cares? No matter what the emotion, go hard.
If you are losing hope because you feel that your main goals in life are unattainable, DO NOT GIVE UP. Do you know what comes next? You take that goal and you put into place something I like to call stepping stone goals. They're attainable, they will be achieved, and they will guarantee that your end goal is fulfilled. For example, begin with small goals such as passing a midterm, then the next goal would be passing the class, followed by getting a GPA that's considered excellent, and so on until you reach that end you've been dreaming of. Giving up is showing weakness, and NOBODY on this planet Earth is weak.
Everyone has strength, passion, motivation, and determination within. Therefore, anybody has the capability to do anything in this world if they are willing to work hard for it. Success is not given, it is earned.
So today, I urge you to surrender the fact that you're sad about a boy or feeling upset about your grades. Search for that burning motivation to reach your goals. Find your desire to be successful. Develop a love for your craft and work ethic. Notice how I have written this entire letter in the second person? Well, it all starts with YOU and nobody else, so what are you waiting for?