Love with an open mind. Listen with an open heart.
Speak with a mind at ease and act with the purest of hearts.
Act with good intentions. Follow what feels true.
Understand that this world does not revolve around just you.
It revolves around us:the earth & the above.
It revolves around the fact that we can live happily in love.
In love with this life. In love with one another.
Hate was designed to separate us from the "other."
But there is no other.We're equal in every way.
Negativity was socially constructed to push us away.
Away from the truth. Away from each other.
Dividing us by race, color, sex, and the other.
This division of classes obviously doesn't work.
Yet those with money protect their place
& those in poverty are seen as dirt.
As if they ended up there by themselves.
As if they deserved it.
This world can do better. Our children deserve it.
Hell we deserve it!
To live with out fear,
To live in a world where countries do not fear
of being invaded, bombed, threatened, & killed.
It's not a joke. It's the reality we are in.
Despite it all I still think we can win.
Because I love this world & I refuse to believe that our world is falling apart. We just have to stand together. We have to listen with our hearts. Like I said in the beginning, Love with an open mind. Listen with an open heart.
Good Vibes & Happy Lives