To the people in college, who I now call my family:
I knew all of you at the beginning of the year, but I had no idea we would become so close. I knew you all intrigued me and I wanted to get to know you better. But a lot of us were separated at first, whether we were on the other side of the hall, started out the year on a different floor, or even in a completely different building.
I wonder if it's just a coincidence that all of us happened to end up on the exact same floor or if we were meant to meet and become best friends.
At this point, we usually spend a lot of each day together. Whether it be eating lunch or dinner together, or taking a quick trip to Walmart, I wouldn't want to do any of it with anybody else.
If one of us is going to McDonald's, half of us usually end up going and they usually end up getting fries for just about everybody else.
Going to the library together is a nightly thing for some, and sometimes we are joined by the rest of the squad.
When somebody gets sick or injured, it's us who drive to Rite Aid to get the medicine, it's us who put the ear drops in, it's us who put the hydrogen peroxide on the cut, and it's us who wrap their wrist in a bandage.
On the weekends, I stay up to make sure that my friends who went out get back safe. The ones who get back sooner, wait with me, even if we're up until 3am.
A couple days ago we had our own Thanksgiving together and said what we were thankful for, but I really don't think you all understand just HOW thankful I am for you. I'm really not sure what I would do without you all at this point. So I want to thank you for being the best people that I could ever have in my life.
I'm home now for Thanksgiving break, and so far it doesn't feel right to me. It feels like something's missing. It feels lonely. I wish I could just walk across the hall and have a conversation with my buddies, but I can't.
It's crazy how in just a couple months, you can grow such an attachment to people.
Cannot wait to be back in a week so I can give you all big hugs!!