Two and a half years ago I was a freshman in college. I had just gone through my first real heartbreak and much to my luck I came across a twitter account called “The Single Woman” (@TheSingleWoman). I vividly remember scrolling through tweets upon tweets and thinking that there was a true genius behind them.
After a little digging I soon found out that there was a book written by the same author of the 140 character tweets of wisdom I had been reading. The next day after finding this out I was walking out of Barnes and Noble with a copy of The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Success in my hand. I read that book in less than a week and at only 19 years old I had just obtained some of the most important knowledge that any woman, at any age, should know.
Mandy Hale, creator of The Single Woman, hands down is one of the greatest role models in my life. She has three books, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Success, I’ve Never Been to Vegas But My Luggage Has, and Beautiful Uncertainty which was just released. I have personally read two out of the three and my copy of the third one is on its way.
Ironically enough I have actually read the first two after going through heartbreaks and let me tell you, this woman is FULL of wisdom. I recently had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Mandy at one of her book signings. There were so many things I wanted to say but with nerves and little time I could not get it all in. So in light of her new book being released and for all the words I couldn’t say in my short conversation with her, I turned to writing this instead. So this is to you Mandy Hale, this is a thank-you letter for the beautiful stamp you have made on my life!
Thank you for writing. Thank you for being so transparent and so vulnerable. At 19 I feel like I learned one of the most valuable lessons that any woman, at any age can learn, that we are already whole. Because of you I figured out that I am already complete and that I have so many reasons to celebrate this beautiful life I have been given.
Thank you for your encouragement, for reminding women that no matter how hard life gets in any situation that we will make it. We will make it and come out even stronger on the other side. Thank you for showing us through your beautiful words that we NEVER have to settle in any area of our lives. Your abundant amount of wisdom is so valued and cherished, not only by me, but also by all of your following, all over the world. Thank you for being you and for everything that you do.
Madison Lovell
“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like & celebrating it for everything that it is.” –Mandy Hale