On November 8, 2016, America will vote in what will most likely be one of the most historic elections of all time (behind President Obama's of course).
That is, most of America.
Millennials, I'm talking about us. Those referred to as "kids these days". Voter turnout for ages 18-35 is consistently the lowest of any generation. And I understand. I'm not exempt. Until very recently, politics held no type of interest to me whatsoever. But something changed. Something clicked. Maybe it was the realization that this was the first election I will be able to partake in, or maybe it's wanting to be a part of something bigger than myself, a part of the change that I have learned we, those "kids these days" are able to bring about.
I could not be prouder to be a part of the generation whom I feel has brought attention to so many important issues. Love is love, equality for all, women's rights, black lives matter - all have been brought to the forefront, almost entirely by millennials. We aren't afraid to speak our minds, stand up for what we believe in, be open-minded and bring about the change we hope for in our hearts to the real world. Political activism in our generation is at an all time high, and I have been a firsthand witness to this. Protests, petitions and other political confrontations are constant - yet millennials are still less likely to go out and vote. And I get it completely. This is the first time almost all millennials will be able to vote in a presidential election, and look at our choices. We're frustrated - with the system, with what's happening, with having to literally "pick your poison" this November. But please, I implore of you, to speak up and have your voices heard. 140 characters on your thoughts won't help. Hashtags are still silent. Whatever your views on politics, figure out on what side you stand and check that box. Not making a decision is a decision in itself, and we cannot afford to stay quiet (unless you think weekly mandatory spray tans will be fun).
To make this even easier, here's the link to register to vote!
Tell your friends, Romans, countrymen.