As I'm preparing myself for my sophomore year of college, I've constantly been replaying memories that I encountered the last 10 months of my life. My freshmen year was one of the best years of my life. I met so many amazing and beautiful people who have honestly shaped me into the person that I am today. However you're probably wondering how your first year is going to play out, just like people have wondered plenty of years before you. Here's a few tips from what I've learned and hope you can remember as you're starting this new chapter in your life.
1. Make friends
I can't stress enough how important a support system can be when you go off to college. The friends that I've made these last several months will forever hold a special place in my heart, as well as the memories that I've shared with these amazing people. Don't pass up on the random and spontaneous road trips away from campus or to go on a late night McDonald's run because you've been caught up studying with a friend. Those random memories will be what gets you through these next few years.
2. Join organizations
Whether you're attending a small or large scale university, joining clubs and organizations will continue to allow you to grow and test your leadership capabilities. It also is an added plus once you graduate so that you can boost up your resume. Don't be the person who sits in their dorm room and just watch Netflix 24/7. It's not healthy for anyone emotionally/physically.
3. Learn time management
This is definitely the hardest thing you'll learn in college and I'm pretty sure after you've graduated college as well. Having to manage your time is such a hard adjustment. Sometimes we just get caught up with hanging out with friends and so we have to procrastinate and stay up all night to finish that 2 week discussion you've been putting off. Even though you may think you're the only one who struggles with adjusting your time wisely, you definitely aren't.
Although this might be a lot to take in, you won't regret anything you do these next few years. You're going have highs and you're going to have lows. Everyone has and everyone will. You just have to pick yourself up and keep on moving forward. The last thing you need to worry about is not knowing how this year will play out. Just make the most out of everything you do!! Become apart of clique's (yes, they have them in college) and just do fun activities!! I know my time is just beginning, but these next few years will fly by just as fast as high school did.
So to upcoming college freshmen class, I want to say this to you: good luck, make good grades and better yet, make good choices.