If you are anything like the 90% of the worlds' population, then you no doubt take no pleasure in long-haul flights, let alone those involving multiple stops and pain-in-the-ass layovers. Fortunately for you, I am the 10% that absolutely adores planes, airports, and quite frankly the entire experience of flying whether its a short domestic flight, or a thirteen hour one. I have been on countless long-haul flights, and with each flight, I have come up with and redefined a list of items that are absolutely essential in order to fly in the utmost comfort and zen. I give you my guarantee that if you take my advice, and bring these simple little items with you on the plane, your in-flight experience will be elevated to cloud nine.
1. Warm & Thick Socks.
I cannot stress this enough. Investing in a pair of warm socks will literally save your life, and believe it or not, your sanity. Airplane cabins are ridiculously cold, and your poor feet are the ones that suffer most from that temperature. Keeping your feet in warmth and comfort will ensure that your entire body will not begin shivering uncontrollably within your seat.
2. Headphones...the big ones.
Make sure you invest in a pair of over-the-ear headphones, and not the tiny little ones that come with your iPhone. Not only are headphones an absolute must in order to listen to music and watch movies on the plane, but they block out a plethora of other annoyances. Annoyances such as crying toddlers, sneezing and coughing from the person that somehow always ends up sitting behind you, and the buzzing of the plane engine. Less noise from them equates to more peace for you.
3. Ch..ch..ch..chap stick.
No one likes dry, cracked lips, but unfortunately, they kinda come as a given on long flights given how drying and life-sucking the cabin air is on planes. This is why I cannot get on an airplane without some type of lip hydration-preferably one with an emphasis on moisture and some more moisture. Trust me when I say that a lip balm or chapstick of some sorts will save your lips, and ensure that they don't look and feel like the Sahara after you step off the plane.
4. Sweatpants.
I don't think I need to go into detail as to why sweatpants are an absolute must-have for any flight. Warmth, check. Cozy-ness, check. Comfort, check. Plus, they have no restrictions when it comes to maneuvering yourself within the airplane seat, unlike jeans that restrict you from everything including breathing. Target has some great ones if you're looking for a new pair.
5. A change of clothes.
You never know what life is going to throw at ya, so bringing a change of clothes can end up saving the day. After running around between terminals, and sitting on a plane for ten plus hours, you best believe you're going to be wearing B.O. of some sorts. If it's not the B.O. the universe has a way of spilling drinks and food onto your clothes, and you really don't want to be that person on a plane...the weird, smelly one. Just bring a change of clothes.