You’ve probably had a rough day, a rough week, a rough month or even a rough couple of months. Don’t give up. I know it feels like you can’t do it anymore. You wake up in the morning and you’re tired and at the end of the day you go to be even more tired. It’s a new day and you have to deal with same old stuff and the new stuff. You get ready to take the day on and nothing starts going right. You try your hardest to make the best of out of this day, to not let it defeat you but it feels like it is. Sometimes it just feels like nothing is going right for you.
But wait a second, remember last month? When you thought you couldn’t do it anymore? Well it’s a new month and here you are, you made it. Remember when you were brought down to the ground and thought you would never recover again? Well check your pulse, your heart is still beating. Remember when a dream of yours didn’t come true? Well take a deep breath in, you’re still breathing. Remember when you lost someone in your life and you thought you weren’t going to be able to make it through without them? Open your eyes, you’re still blinking.
Although it feels like life can drag you down and there are so many negative people and things going on in the world at the time, focus on the positive. We are all warriors and we are all given different battles, we all fight them differently too but the the important thing to do is to fight, to over come your fears, your pain and to stop telling yourself that you can’t do it anymore because did you wake up and your body ached? Yes, but you woke up and that’s all that matters. Every day in this world is a battle field but you will eventually win the fight when you realize that perseverance and effort lead to victory.
The other important thing to remember is that you’re not alone and I know you’ve probably been told this a million times but its true. Work can get hard at times, school can get hard, your relationship with your loved one or maybe a friend or family member might be going through a tough time and it is not the end of the world. You might not be doing well in some aspects of your life but everyone else also has their ups and downs and its normal. It’s normal to fail at times and it is also a nice reminder that we’re humans.
However, regardless of what’s wrong you have to remember that if you don’t fix it, no one else is going to fix it for you and if you don’t take care of yourself, no one else is going to take care of you. Things might not be going right but they’ll keep being the same way unless you do something about it so it doesn’t matter how defeated you feel; you’re not defeated until you give up. Get up, turn your best attitude and your optimism on and keep it going. There will always be some rough patches in life but soon enough you’ll realize that if you set your mind for it, there is not a single one that you’re not able to overcome.