It's always the same thing.
You feel a pleasant warmth in your chest when you see the one person who makes you the happiest. You feel light on your feet when you laugh together, and you feel a vivacious shock of electricity when your skin touches theirs. You know that there's a label to be placed on how you're feeling, and you can't deny it any longer.
However, they are quick to, since they couldn't be bothered dating you, right? How could they, when their attention is always diverted away from you and onto another. They have eyes for someone else. They always do.
And the group chats that you're a proud member of blow up on the daily, but more than half of the conversations that take place involve the neglect of your existence. Might as well say nothing at all.
The efforts that you make towards others aren't returned as often as you'd want, not that you expect anything in return anyway, but a little something would be nice. But who are you kidding?
Sound familiar? Well, I can assure you that you're not alone. Not by a long shot.
I'm going to just come out and state the obvious. It absolutely sucks. It sucks to feel so undesired all of the time, and in fact, it sometimes can get pretty hard on you. I've been there, just trust me.
What I want to tell you now is something that may seem like an impossible task, but once you get there, it'll be a blessing of sweet relief.
Breathe. Just breathe.
Don't fuss over someone who doesn't like you back. It will just create an incredible amount of stress that you most definitely don't need. Love must be a two-way effort, and if you're putting in all of the effort here, then the relationship just isn't a healthy one. Just know that while they aren't looking at you in the way they want to, they're missing out on such an amazing human being. And yes, I'm talking about you.
Friends can be tricky, but they'll always catch you when you fall, even if it doesn't seem like it. And, if they end up letting you fall, then it's time to find friends who don't poison you with sadness.
Something that I've learned is that you can't expect people to put in as much as you do. It'll just save you from disappointment and sadness that you don't need one bit.
You're worth more than how you feel and how you're treated. You deserve just as much happiness as anyone else, and don't let anyone else make you think otherwise. Nothing is standing in your way from being happy other than you. You are your worst critic. Break away from the negativity.
You're beautiful. You're smart. You're desirable.
And that's the truth.