To the troubled soul who is struggling to find the strength to go on. We all have been through the time in life when a certain thing becomes our unbearable obstacle. I'm here to tell you that there is a light in all the surrounding darkness.
To those who struggle with anger: Being angry is jut what you feel for a short amount of time. There are many examples in the Bible telling us what we need to know about anger. Proverbs 29:11, Ecclesiasties 7:9, and Proverbs 14:29 are just a few of the verses that tells us how being easily angered doesn't make us "cool" but instead it makes us a fool.
To those who struggle with lying: Everyone's heard of poor Pinochio who lied so much his nose continued to grow or we all grew up with the saying liar liar pants on fire. The simple phrase that started as a joke as kids has been misunderstood for so long. While it's so easy to tell people what they want to hear or what makes us feel better about ourselves we are doing something that is upsetting in the eyes of God. Lying has been an issue since Adam and Eve. It's time we all face the truth and own up to what we have lied about.
To those who struggle with depression: Psalm 42:11 tells us to put our hope in God. He has been here through the good and the bad, when your sick or well. Depression often leads to things like suicide, mental breakdowns, alcohol abuse, etc. Don't give into depression turn to God. Turn to the woman sitting on the bus beside you who has a smile on her face. Turn and talk to someone about it. It helps to talk about it I promise.
These are just a few of the struggles I see everyday. I had a best friend from elementary school who struggled with depression because her mom was mentally abused her, she caused self harm and got so depressed she tried to kill her self multiple times. I've seen my friends lose family members due to shootings because someone thought that they were so angry that they had to do something to release it. I'm here to tell you no matter what you're struggling with there is always a way out if you just turn to God, and know that you're never alone.