If you love too hard, fall too fast, want too much, and always expect more from people than they give you, you are likely like me… a too-much woman. We love too hard, we dream too big, we laugh too loud, and we feel too deeply. We give more than we take and we want to believe that every person we meet is innately good, and often we are the ones who hurt the most. We cry the most, we hurt the most, and we long to fill our heart and our minds with a wealth of love and peace that is often difficult to find.
We take up too much space, we laugh too loud, we are self-assured, and damn right, we think we're hot shit. People may say we need to simmer down, be more ladylike, leave something to be desired. They want us to hide pieces of ourselves to make them more comfortable, to make sure that we don't stand out, don't pull too much attention, don't make a scene, don't be different, fit in and keep your head down, there isn't room for you to be too-much.
Too-much women have been exterminated for centuries, they fear us. They fear our confidence, they are intimidated by our self-love and insatiable desired for truth, for honesty, and for intimate connections. They fear our big presence and commanding air. They fear our lack of fear, and they try to make us feel lesser than. They try to make us small so that they can feel big, and convince themselves that us too-much women are in the wrong. They fear us for they know that we can move mountains and bend rivers.
Don't let those who fear you make you small. You may be too-much, but the world needs us too much women. It needs women with big presence, and big laughs. It needs women who take up space and love too deeply and too passionately. It needs women who pour themselves out into others and leave behind nothing but love. It needs women who love themselves and love others. It needs women to think too much, and feel too much, and dream too much, for we will change the world.
Just remember: "You are never too much, and you are always enough" – Jon Jorgenson.