Being a student is a full time job commitment. It takes time during the day, at night and on weekends. In college students add to their job of being a student by getting another job, getting involved within organizations, clubs, teams, and communities. And as a fellow college student myself who takes on a fuller than full plate, I am here to say that it’s a tough lifestyle. While our plate is full, it is a draining day to day basis, but the thought of putting something on the cutting board makes me feel guilty and sad. So, to my fellow over committed students, what do we do?
For me, my whole life is written down in my planner. Color coordinated and everything. But something very important is missing in my planner. That important aspect is white space. Places where I do not write any obligations, any plans, any assignments. Time to take to myself. Sounds like such an easy thing to attain, but finding a spot for those white spaces seems impossible. My tip, write down time where you can spend some time for yourself. Yes, I actually write it down when I am going to say no to any other request and fill my own tank. This time is so important to be able to take a breather, relax, and just be fulfilled by doing, well, nothing. My goal is to take 20 minutes every day to do something for myself. You might have to plan it out, but it’s worth it.
Another struggle over achiever student’s deal with is saying no. I have a problem saying no to people’s request, opportunities, and well offers. I try to please everyone else before I think of my personal needs. But I need to say no. It is a hard position putting yourself in, feeling as if you are letting someone down. And guess what, if you say no to someone most likely that person will understand they hey, you are a busy college student you cannot do everything, and that is okay.
Being consistently on the run from class, to work, to a meeting, to a club, it gets exhausting. Running around all day every day is physically and mentally exhausting. Fellow over committers, I understand how some days you actually can’t get out of bed. The thought of taking on the day makes you want to throw up. People will say “Slow down” but in reality the things taking up your time are things you cannot get rid of. The struggle, indeed, is real.
So fellow over committed students who try to do everything, sorry to break it to you, but you cannot, indeed, do everything. We have all tried, and we end up unfulfilled with ourselves, or others are unfulfilled with us, or we end up physically and mentally exhausted. So what do we do? Try to cut back. Say no to people. Take a night for yourself. Remember you are always your first priority. If you are running on empty, everything you do will be empty. So my friends, take care of yourself first. You only have one body, one life, and one chance to be your best self, so take care of yourself. You will happy you did in the end.