Not knowing what to do with your life can put you in a constant state of uneasiness and stress. The thought of talking about life after college one more time does nothing less than make you want to scream. Walking into your advising session is the worst part of the year, trying again to explain to your advisor that you still don't have a concrete plan for life after college.
I'm here to tell you that it's going to be okay.
Breathe. Take a minute to just sit back and relax. This is the perfect time in your life to not know what you want to do with your life. Instead of spending all that time stressing out about the things you don't know yet. Take some time to do the things you do know. Here's a few tips to get you started.
Take time to learn about yourself.Take a class that completely enthralls you. Join the organization that you always meant to go to, but just couldn't find the time. Pick up a hobby. Make a vision board. Watch an abundance of Netflix. Do whatever it takes to fall unapologetically in love with yourself again.
Make mistakes.Take an internship, even if you end up hating it. Spend way too much time with your friends. Drop that class that you dread going to every day. Do the things that you know may not turn out well. Take chances, now is your one time to make mistakes while there is still a net to catch you and help you find your way again.
Don't settle.Don't choose a career that your heart isn't in just because it will pay well, or its what your family expects you to do. No one ever found their dream job by following the expectations of others. Figure out what you are passionate about and find a way to do it every day. Find the career that makes your soul sing and you will never regret a single day.
Realize you don't need to have it all figure out right now. You don't need to have it all together right now. Graduation is not a hard deadline to have a full schedule of your entire life done. Take your time in deciding and don't compare your progression to anyone else.
It will all come together. I know right now it's scary, but take a deep breath and understand that most of the students around you are in the same place. College is for finding yourself, not being so stressed that you find a career but lose the very essence of what makes you unique. Find yourself first, everything else will follow.