So college is pretty hard, right? Teachers tried to tell us it would be this way since middle school, but it never really sank in until now. It's tough to balance classes, work, a social life, family, church, and somehow find time for yourself in the mix too. Suddenly we find ourselves having to choose one thing over the other, deciding whether one assignment is truly a priority when there's another one due at midnight. I've been where you are, and I want you to know that it's all going to be okay.
1) You aren't supposed to have it all figured out yet.
One of the best parts of being in college is that none of us really know what's going on... Seriously. This is the time of your life where you're allowed to figure out who you are and who you want to be. There's no pressure to be a perfect human being. In fact, you're expected to make mistakes and be a hot mess 95% of the time. It's fine, I promise.
2) If it was easy, everyone would do it.
Going to college isn't meant to be easy. It's challenging so that it's worth something, and means that much more when you've stuck it out and earned your degree. If it were as easy as high school, everyone would go to college and it would be worth so much less. You're doing something important by getting your education, something other people may never get the chance to do. Don't take it for granted.
3) Your health is important.
I know how tempting it can be to stay up all night to finish an assignment so that you can fit in a nap the next day, but please don't neglect your health. It is so important to get enough sleep and most college students don't. Exhaustion leads to poor grades on quizzes and exams, and even accidents on the road. Is it really worth it for a few extra points?
4) Don't get caught up in all of the parties.
This is a tough one because when we're young, the FOMO is too real. Nobody wants to sit at home scrolling through Snapchat or Instagram seeing all of their friends at a party without them. But those parties are almost always full of the same people doing the same things.. Missing a few won't ruin your life. In fact, it may actually help you get ahead in class or get your life a little more organized. I'm not telling you to skip them all, but you shouldn't feel obligated to go to every single one. That's just insane.
5) Know that God is greater than the odds.
Anytime I feel overwhelmed by school, I am comforted by the fact that I can lean on and talk to God. He knows the desires of your heart, and He is the one who has called you to even pursue college in the first place. Don't ever forget that He is above all else, and let Him be the compass to direct you when you feel lost or beyond stressed out.
"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have leave. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." -John 16:33