If there is anything that I know about family it is this: blood does not determine family. Behavior, in fact, does.
I will admit, I do not have a perfect family life. And these past couple years, it has been everything but perfect. But also, in these past couple years, I have so many people in my life who I have gotten the pleasure to know and these people I consider family - even if they don't consider me their family. In no way are these people related to me, but they never fail to prove to me that they are my family. These people have stood by me and cared for me not because they have to, or feel obliged to, but because they want to. Which, at the end of the day, means more to me than anything else.
That is what family is to me. The absolute wanting to be there for each other and care for each other. Those who I consider family, I would go to any extreme to make sure that they are happy if they needed me to. Whether it's just cracking a joke for them on a bad day, or being shoulder to cry on when they need it. I do this because I know that these people would do it for me - and that is the best kind of relationship you can have.
And if there are people in your family who don't feel this way about you - then that is OK. Because at the end of the day, you have acquired a huge family of people who were once strangers that would do anything for you. Whether it's your friends, coworkers, club members, neighbors or teachers - the list could go on and on of who you could consider family. These people are in your life for a reason, and you are in theirs for the same reason - to be there for each other when they may need it the most.
And yes, I know that people come and go. But, that's OK, too - maybe that's where your real family comes in. Maybe your real family is just a constant reminder of who you should surround yourself with. The point is that I have two huge families. One of them I was born into this world with, and the other I have acquired along the way - either way, they have all been put into my life for a reason and I thank them for that.
And the best part is that you have two families too. You are surrounded by people who love you and constantly have your best interest in mind. And if that isn't the case, start putting these words to action and things will turn around. Maybe look at it this way: we are all family and we should all have each others best interest in mind. We should all want those around us to be happy. So next time you meet someone new, meet them with an open mind - because maybe they need you and you need them. Your family can never be too big.
So with all these traveling, crazy thoughts in mind - I am very thankful. I'm thankful for the people in my family who have stood by me and cared for me, as well as the strangers that eventually turned into my family, and you should be too.