To The Sorority Girl Who Is About To Get Her Big | The Odyssey Online
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To The Sorority Girl Who Is About To Get Her Big

Get ready to fall in love with your sorority even more!

To The Sorority Girl Who Is About To Get Her Big

Bid Day was just merely a few weeks ago and your stomach may already be filled with butterflies once more. The day for Big/Little reveal is finally here.

Multiple days of constant wonder (and potential nerves) have all lead up to this moment. Maybe you already have a few ideas as to who your Big could be. Perhaps your dorm room was adorned with multiple gifts: block letters of your sorority painted by your Big, decorated canvas with your chapter motto on it to put up on your walls, and maybe even your first t-shirt with your sorority letters on it.

Maybe your Big left you a few letters, expressing how excited she is to finally reveal who she is. And guess what? That day is finally here, and it is by far one of the most exciting nights you’ll experience.

The bond you’re about to have with your Big is like no other. Not only will she be the one to show you the ropes of the sorority and make you fall in love with your sorority even more, but she’ll become your new best friend. She'll encourage you to pursue leadership positions and cheer you on the morning before a big test.

She’ll be the one you text late at night when you’re having boy drama or the one you vent to whenever you have so much work piled up for the week. She’ll be the one to tell you to take a break from studying and take you out on a quick trip to the mall—because she knows your mind desperately needs a break from homework.

People may roll their eyes upon seeing the matching “Big” and “Little” stickers on your laptops or the matching shirts you have. It might drive them crazy when you constantly refer to your Big or even your sorority family in conversation, but that’s okay. They just simply don’t understand. No one could possibly understand the bond you have.

So, get ready to learn who your Big is! The memories you’re about to make together will truly make your sorority experience even better, I promise. And if your Big is similar to my Big, you’ll have the best Big in the world!

Enjoy every minute of Big/Little reveal—next year, you may even be on the other side of it.

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