Hello there, I am just like you. I have always been a pretty responsible person, even as a kid. I always based my decisions on what I thought was best, even if that meant I didn’t always have the most fun. As I am growing up and making more choices on my own, I see that more than ever before.
I went to a community college to save money. I will be paying for my schooling on my own without any parental help, so I had to choose what would be easiest for me to handle. Although I would love to go off to school and live the “college life," I am glad I stayed home. I feel better prepared to transfer and I have a better understanding on what I want to be when I “grow up.” I also saved so much money! My tuition is so small in comparison to some of my peers who went off to school. Maybe if I had a full ride or mommy and daddy to pay for everything I would have gone off, but who knows how that would have turned out. I have made so many great memories, great experiences and opportunities by staying back.
I just bought my first car! Well, it is my second car. My grandparents gave me one of their cars when I graduated high school, it was a nice 2005 shiny tan Chrysler van. Yep. You read that right. At 18 I was rolling up to places in what I like to call the "Swagen Wagon." At first, I hated it. I wished I could’ve gotten a new car, or at least not a van. As time continued, I realized how much of a blessing that a car was. And eventually, I was able to save up money to get a car, all on my own.
Sometimes being responsible feels boring, like we miss out on all the fun. But, in the long run, we gain so much more! When our, once cool, peers are pilled under debt with little knowledge on how to budget and sacrifice, we will be living a large life. We will be ahead of the game.
We take the road less traveled sometimes, but we always see the end goal. We always have something bigger and better in mind for ourselves. What may seem like a sucky boring life will turn out to something grand. You will be able to go out in the world and be able to handle yourself without the impulsive, inconsiderate traits others our age are demonstrating.
So this is for you- good job and keep on adulting!