Don’t be ashamed. You are perfect as you are, flaws and all. Our past mistakes do not define who we are today; what truly matters is how we take those experiences and build a better future.
There are moments when you’ve been hard on yourself for messing up. Moments of regret for scaring away someone because you kept overthinking, for hurting someone because you directed your anger toward them instead of the real issue, for letting months pass by without noticing the beauty around. Moments of confusion when you tried to find homes in strangers. Moments of doubt when you were too scared to approach that cute boy or girl. Moments of missing that flight within minutes, holding on to an illusion of someone, showing no appreciation toward those who care about you the most, speaking without censoring, losing your favorite jacket or breaking someone’s heart.
Without these blunders that are inherent in our human design, we would never learn. We would never grow. We wouldn’t understand ourselves on a deeper level unless we messed up. Without those late night texts of desperation, those lashes of anger on strangers or acquaintances, those spiteful words spat at loved ones, we wouldn’t find a way to make ourselves better.
The truth is, we’ll never stop evolving. There is always room for improvement. When you reflect back on circumstances you could’ve done differently, don’t dwell too long. You didn’t know better then, but you know now. To forgive ourselves is the greatest lesson to learn, and once that is mastered, we’ll get out of our own way and fulfill our maximum potential.
The only thing that matters from this point on is that you carry the light and love within you expressively.