You’re in a world of light, yet all you can see is darkness. You’re surrounded by people, yet you’ve never felt so alone. Your heart is beating, yet it’s heavier than ever. It’s as if you’ve become numb to everything around you. You’ve lost yourself in this downward spiral of depression. You’re not quite sure if you’ll ever be the person you were before all of this. You don’t even know who that is anymore. You’re now consumed by the pain that’s welling up inside of you, and you feel as though you’ve finally hit your breaking point. Nothing matters. No one matters. You don’t matter. So what’s the point?
I don’t know you, but I know your struggle.
You are not alone. We all go through hard times in life, some much more difficult than others. You have support in us. You have a team behind you who have already conquered this battle. We are ready to stand beside you and hold your hand as you push forward. I’m not going to tell you it’s going to be easy to get through this, but I am going to tell you that it’s going to be worth it. Let me put it this way – if I would’ve let me depression win years ago, I wouldn’t be cuddled up next to my beautiful baby girl watching "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and eating pancakes in bed right now. I look back on those dark moments and thank God I had the strength to keep going, because if I hadn’t I would’ve missed out on a lifetime of happiness. If you‘d told me then that this would be my life now, I wouldn’t have believed you. My point is you have no idea where life will take you and all of the incredible things it will bring you. One day you, too, will look back on this moment and be happy you came out on top. Keep pushing to find out what your future holds. Keep pushing for yourself.
I don’t know you, but your loved ones do.
Believe it or not, you have people who love you more than you could ever imagine. Believe it or not, you have people who need you in their life. Believe it or not, you’ve made a difference. There’s no one else that can play your part in this world. It needs you. You’re here for a reason and you’re part of your loved ones lives for a reason. Suicide does not take the pain away, it simply passes it on to someone else. Even in your darkest version of yourself, they love you and they need you. Keep pushing for them. Keep pushing for the ones who love you and can’t imagine life without you.
I don’t know you, but I care.
Seriously. I care about you. I care about the pain you’re feeling right now. I care about the bright future and incredible opportunities that sit ahead of you. I care about your feelings. And for what it’s worth, I’m truly glad you’re still here. I hope whatever your purpose is in life, you find it. I hope whatever your passion is in life, you pursue it. I want nothing more than for you to love and enjoy life the way you deserve to. And I know one day – sooner than later – you will do just that.
I don’t know you, but I want you to know it gets better.
We often times use the term ‘rock bottom.’ You’re probably there, right? Well I’ve got good news for you – when you’re at rock bottom like that, the only way to go is up. Things can and will only get better from here. It may not seem that way now. Heck, you may not even care. But trust me when I say this – there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. There are much better days ahead. You just have to muster up the strength and courage to get there. I know you can do it.
I don’t know you, but you matter.
You do. So much. Your feelings matter. Your story matters. Everything about you matters. So please don’t, for one second, think otherwise. How you are feeling right now matters. Don’t be afraid to speak up and get help if you feel that the weight is too heavy to carry on your own. You don’t have to hide behind a smile and fake laughter every day. It’s OK if you’re not OK. You are never a burden. You are always a blessing. You are beautiful in your uniqueness. You are worthy of love and happiness. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Whoever you are, whatever you do, you matter.
I’m not going to tell you to ‘cheer up’ and I’m certainly not going to say ‘this will just make you stronger.’ I know those aren’t the things you want to hear right now. But what I want you to hear right now is that you are loved, you are needed, and you matter. That’s it. And I genuinely hope that is enough to keep you going, today and every day to come. Please always remember that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. You’re going to get through this. I have faith in you.
1-800-273-8255 or text 741741 to anonymously talk with a crisis counselor.