In life, we do a lot of waiting. In some instances, that means waiting for the job promotion or waiting to see if you have gotten accepted into your dream school. It may even be waiting on the guy that you are really into to realize that you're the love of his life. We even wait in traffic, and sometimes it seems like all we do is wait around. We feel that we are always waiting for something.
For those of you waiting for a job promotion, be content with the job you have. It would be awesome if you got that promotion, but don't wait around and spend time at your job now wishing you had another. The moment you stop stressing about wondering if you got it or not, you may receive the call letting you know that you have. Don't miss out on being the best at what you do because you're waiting for something else.
Those of you waiting for that acceptance letter, a letter will come. Finish out your senior year with all of your friends and people who you may not see a day after graduation. Focus on being with them and making memories rather than stressing about if you got into your dream school or not. So what if you didn't? I didn't. I got into my back up school and it was the best decision I ever made. I couldn't be happier. So stop stressing about it and spending your time waiting for it. You will get into college, it will all work out just give it the time to.
If you are waiting for a boy, don't. You may think you are in love with him, and you can't see yourself with anyone else, but I promise you that isn't the case. Once you stop waiting around for him you can open your eyes and realize that there are seven billion people on this Earth and there is bound to be one out there that wants to make you the first priority in their life. They won't leave you waiting around wondering if you're good enough because you are and no one should even need to tell you that. The love of your life is still out there and he will show up when the time is right. Live your life in the present until then.
I know that waiting in traffic makes us all late and no one appreciates it, but it's not the worst thing in the world. When you're in traffic you can take the time to call your mom, your brother, and maybe even your grandma. You also have the time to think about the things you've been avoiding. As crazy as it may seem, waiting around in traffic could even be relaxing. Don't focus on the waiting in it, focus on those phone calls and telling your family about your day.
So why wait? Stop waiting and start focusing on the present. Trust that everything is going to work itself out and don't spend your time stressing and waiting around so much that you miss out on everything else in life. Live your life. Don't wait for life to live itself.