Dear you,
I may not know who you are and what you are struggling with, but please hear me out. I love you. There are people who love you. The world can be a really sucky place. Life can be stressful and feel not worth it. Sometimes it feels like as soon as you start to get back up you get slammed right back down. I know how that feels. I know that telling you to hang in there and that things will get better won’t mean a thing. It doesn’t mean a thing when I hear it. It is hard to have hope and feel better when people are just telling you that you will. The future is irrelevant if you can’t even make it through the now. I know what it’s like to literally hate life and everything about it. There is no cut and dry answer to life’s problems. There is some hope, it can just be hard to see.
So. whoever you are, you are probably wondering or have figured out why I am writing this to you. Someone needs to tell you how important you are. You mean so much to someone. There is something that you are that no one else is. One thing that you are that is important is alive. You are alive and that is amazing and makes me so happy. I mean you need to know that someone knows how hard you are trying. Like I said I don’t know your struggles or circumstances, but I can share with you some of mine.For one, I’m a college student which alone is hard, but I have also been struggling with my physical and emotional health. Plus, my family has always been held together, by what seems like scotch tape. That scotch tape is definitely worn out if not gone. My family is almost if not already at the point of giving up. On top of that I have to share with my parents a big piece of information that will literally change our family forever and I’m still not entirely sure how to do it. Granted there is never a good time to have brought this up, I think that of all the times this is one of the worst. I could probably win an award for absolutely terrible timing. So I feel like I’m drowning. I’m sure the feeling is mutual. Please don’t give up though.
Things are going downhill a lot, aren’t they? There is a bottom, trust me, but that bottom is not where you think it is. There is an end, but it’s not what you think it is. Nothing ends with death. Nothing ends with running away. Trust me I’ve considered it enough to know that it isn’t. You are important no matter what anyone, including yourself, has told you. No matter what has happened, is happening, or will happen, I’m happy you are here and that you are able to read this. I think you are amazing. That may not mean much coming from someone who probably doesn’t know you or what you are going through, but you need to hear it from someone. No one deserves to feel less than what they are, but sometimes we accept the way others have made us feel. We accept the treatment we get as if it was a gift. As if it’s as good as it gets. It’s definitely not and you don’t deserve to be treated less than what you are. Sometimes people don’t think about what they say and what they do. Sometimes they are just as hurt as you are or worse. There are, of course, those people who will say or do things purposely just to make you miserable and put you down. I think they are hurting too. Forget what they say and do. Forgiveness is hard, but it isn’t for them. Forgiveness is for you. Life sucks sometimes, not gonna lie. There is some hope. There is an end and it isn’t a cold one. It isn’t a dark one. It isn’t a painful one either.
So I wrote this letter to let you know:
I love you.
You are important.
I’m right here with you.
So are so many others.
You have more strength than those who make you feel weak.
There is a better ending.
There is hope.
There is someone who loves you. Even if it's just me who is writing you this letter. I always tell myself “As long as one person loves me and wants me here, then that is enough.” Even if it doesn’t seem like that is enough, believe it is. I wanted to write this to you to tell you these things. The things I know you need to hear. I know because I need to hear them too sometimes. Keep up the fight! Please.
A person who loves you, whoever you are.