Feeling like you're not good enough and never will be is something that I've struggled with for a long time. And most of my friends have felt the exact same way. The feeling that you're never going to amount to anything, or there's so much talent around you that how can you compete with that? When you go on Instagram and see girls (or guys) older than you looking so incredible, and wonder can I ever look that good? Comparing yourself to virtually anyone and everyone? How am I going to be able to do this or that, accel at this, juggle this, that AND this? Well, good news. This one's for you, reminding you that it's okay to have bad days.
Days come and go and it's important that we hold on to them, and never let go. There are so many good things that can come out of a single day and on the flip a whole lotta bad too. When we're having a bad day, it can sometimes feel like it defines us. That our one bad day cancels out everything else, and that's not true. Bad days come and they go, and that's okay.
Bad days suck, but there are lessons that we can learn from them. Take advantage of the opportunity to try and listen to your body, what's it trying to tell you? Hydration? More sleep? Mediation? It's important that we listen to what it's trying to tell us because sometimes we just tune our bodies out. It can feel hard to be comfortable in our own bodies, some of us don't particularly like the way that we look or feel in our bodies.
But it's about time that we started. You are how you are, and there is no changing who you are. Being able to accept yourself is the very first step to becoming a confident person that "don't take no shit from no one," least of all yourself. Attaining a positive perspective on yourself is so important in being empowering towards others as well. When you look at yourself and all you see is pure beauty and love, then you can take those and share them with others. People who might need a gentle nudge in the direction of self-love. You need to start thinking of yourself with the same awe and affection as you would a movie star, a singer, or a theatre star that you really admire. Once you do that for yourself, then you can truly become who you were meant to be.