To the person I tell everything to,
I know we may not spend every moment of every day together, we may not even talk all the time. Yet, whenever I need someone to tell something to you are always there. You listen to my horror stories and my petty little rants. The bad luck that has happened to me and conversations that made me laugh. Thank you for never complaining about how much I talk, because I know some days I can say a lot.
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Whenever I cry you never judge me. Whenever I get angry, you're always the one who calms me down. Thank you for never telling me to shut up when my rants become senseless. You've kept me from doing stupid things, and the stupid things I've said and done, you've found a way to make me laugh at them too.
I smile whenever I see you, because I know you're excited to see me too. A day, a week, a month could pass by and it would feel like time has not moved. The only reason I know it has is because of the things I have to tell you. Thank you for the coffees, lunches, and dinners. Thank you for the amount of reprieve you bring.
As we talk, time passes by, but we never know it has. I think about how blessed I am to have someone who genuinely cares enough to make time for me. I can tell you about how hard my classes are or that I got a good grade on an essay and your expressions mirror mine. You are the best friend I never thought I would have.
Advice from you is always the most treasured, because you know me and care for me. You don't look at the logic, you look at my well-being. You know I may never listen, but you never say 'I told you so.' You continue to sit as the cycle continues.
Thank you for being the person I tell everything to because without you, I would feel lonely and afraid, angry and sad, happy and excited all to myself. Thank you for listening to me. We share the same thoughts and feelings. We share a love of sarcasm and dry humor. We share so many of the same hard times. I know at any moment of any day I can call and you'll listen to every word I have to say. The best part of you being the person I tell everything to is that you feel the same way. You know whenever you need me, I'll be there.
I don't know where I would be without you. You guide me, you follow me, and you join in on my rants. You make a dark day seem brighter in every way. And somehow, a brighter day just gets brighter. You are the friend I always knew I needed.
I will always appreciate what you do. Thank you for being the person I get to tell everything to.
Your person