I know I should forgive you. Forgive you for hurting someone I love and in turn hurting me, but I still haven’t found the right way to do that and I don’t know if I ever will. It’s a struggle knowing that I need to forgive you and not being able to. I hear your name or think about you and I can’t help but feel a little resentment. You caused so much unnecessary hurt and I don’t know how you do that to another human being, yet alone family. I don’t even know if you realize how much hurt you caused and that is what angers me the most.
But, for myself and not you, I need to forgive you. I need to forgive the one person I don’t know if I could talk to even if we came face to face. However, for my own sanity or even just to let you go I need to forgive you.
Forgiveness is easier said than done and I know I won’t be able to do this right away. It takes time. You have hurt me pretty badly and this is going to be hard for me. But, I know that this will help me. Help me feel like I can let go of a part of my life that has stayed with me when it belongs in the past. A past I will be thankful for because you have taught me more about myself and about how important family is. You have taught me that treating others right is so important and that we never know how much we can affect someone’s life.
So I think I am ready to forgive you. This may take some time and you may not care that I forgive you. But, this is for me. For my personal healing and to help me be happier. I can help others find happiness too. Maybe through forgiveness, maybe through healing, but either way if you help me help others, then maybe something good has come out of a bad situation.
A situation that is ready for forgiveness.