You are wonderful.
I wanted to start off this article by reminding you of your worth. During times of hardship, it becomes difficult to not only remain positive about life but to maintain a positive view of yourself.
You are extraordinary and deserve to know it. You have the incredible talent of making people laugh until they can't anymore, putting a smile on anyone's face even if they've had a long and tiring day and helping people whenever they need it. You leave a bigger and more positive impact than you realize and more people appreciate you than you think. You do a tremendous amount to make people happy and believe me, nothing you do goes unnoticed.
Whatever you're going through does not determine your value. You are not your mistakes. You are not the problems that were thrown at you. You are not defined by the situation that you're currently in.
Sometimes life gets rough, but that doesn't mean that it will always be that way. You have the strength and perseverance to push past any setbacks and disadvantages that may come your way. You can get through all of the obstacles that you're facing, as long as you believe in yourself half as much as I believe in you.
Sara Bareilles once said, "The idea behind a kaleidoscope is that it’s a structure that’s filled with broken bits and pieces, and somehow if you can look through them, you still see something beautiful. And I feel like we are all that way a little bit." Wiser words have never been spoken.
Your heart may be breaking, but you are still amazing. There is beauty to be found within you whether you are at your highest or your lowest. You will be okay again. I promise.
To you, the person with a broken heart and a broken (but most beautiful) smile, you are incredible and I hope you know it.