They are your knight in shining armor, the princess to your dreams, the light of your life, or better yet, the chaos to your dreams. They are the twinkling light to your shadow, they make you feel like you are the most important person one moment and the next moment, they make you feel like you are scum of the earth. They mock your dreams, make you ask for permission, ridicule your friends, and separate you from the world. You say you are in love and you would do anything in the world for that person, yet they will not do anything for you. They call you manipulative, they blame you for your feelings, and they accuse you of things that you never did. I am sorry to tell you this, but this is not love… it is an abusive relationship and you are addicted to a person who is harming you mentally and maybe physically.
It is hard to leave, I get that. You love them and you are willing to do so much for them. But darling, they are not willing to the same for you. They need you around so they can feel dominate, secure, and to reassure themselves of how strong they are. If they like that you're in pain, they do not love you. A relationship is not supposed to feel overexerted.It is supposed to feel beautiful and LOVING. It takes two people to work on a relationship, not one. If your relationship makes you feel sad and miserable, leave. Yes, relationships have their good and bad moments… but if you notice more bad than good, it is time to leave. A toxic relationship consists of a person changing you into a person you never thought you be would become. You might start doing things that you never thought you’d do just to make that person happy. If they are willing to put your life on the line and not care about what happens to you, they are toxic. A relationship is supposed to be about caring about one another’s wellbeing, not get you in trouble and have them walk away. I promise you that they will leave you at the first sight of danger if their life is at stake.
You can leave that person. I promise it will be okay. I understand the addiction that you have to this person and life has no meaning if you are not with them. BUT LIFE IS MORE THAN THAT PERSON. You deserve someone who respects you, loves you for YOU, shares your morals, shares your beliefs, and respects your differences. YES, it is going to hurt, wounds always do hurt. You are going to be stronger and happier if you leave the toxic person who is trying to control you. You can do this. It is not going to be easy and you are going to have fail attempts leaving, and that’s okay too. You can leave a person if they do not make you happy, if they are ruining your life, if they change you into something you do not like. Honey, please them if they are hurting you. The pain you feel when you leave will get better, but the more you stay the more pain you will have.