At least three times a day I get told by someone that I smile too much, or asked why I am constantly smiling. It makes me so sad that in today's society smiling is considered to be strange. I love to smile! If you are constantly smiling then you take on such a positive outlook on life, and you actually see it taking a toll on your attitude! so to the people who constantly question why I am smiling all the time; this is for you:
1. Instant cure for resting b*tch face
You can never ever look angry with a smile on your face.
2. It makes me happy
I love being an insanely happy person so I will smile as much as I want to thank you very much
3. It can make someone else's day so much better
The only thing better than constantly smiling is making someone else smile too. You never know who may need a smile from you that day
4. It is one of the best feelings in the world
Nothing feels as whole and as complete than when you are smiling
So maybe for this society I smile too much, laugh too loud, and am too happy. But I couldn't care less where I stand in this messed up society because I am happy and there is nothing else I would rather be.