To the people who have always supported me,
I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the support system that I had growing up. I have had people push, encourage, and support me to be the best person that I can be. There are those who supported me on a professional level and there are those who have supported me on a personal level. Thank you for supporting me throughout the years. Your constant belief in me is what encouraged me to succeed.
Everyone that supported me on a professional level, whether that was with school, extra curricular activities, or the work force, you have all have a huge impact on where I am today. Thank you for always making sure I stayed focused. You pushed me to learn new things and gain as much knowledge and experience as I could. Thank you for always being willing to help me when I asked. You wrote me recommendation letters, taught me valuable skills I will use in the future, and helped me work through challenges and obstacles that I have encountered along the way. Thank you for pushing me. You always knew that I could do better and you wouldn’t let me give up until I had that best outcome. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to learn leadership skills, work ethic, flexibility, independence, and dependability. Your encouragement and belief in me is what has led me to where I am today and what encourages me to continue to grow as an individual.
For everyone who has supported me on a personal level, I can not thank you enough for everything that you have done for me. You have supported me though good and bad times. You have picked me up when I have fallen down, and you never given up on me. You have continued to believe in me, even when I started to not believe in myself. You have always made sure that I was on the right path, and when I would stray away, you would stop me and remind me of what was important. You never let me give up, you have constantly encouraged me to learn new things, gain new experiences, and be who I am. You encouraged me to be myself, even when society was telling me to be something else, you always made sure that I stayed true to my personality. You were the ones who brought me happiness, laughter and kindness. No matter what was going on in my life, I knew I could count on you.
It's hard to find people in life that will be there to support you through anything. I was fortunate to have a whole community of people that supported me through my endeavors. I want to thank you for the support that you have given me and I want to thank you for the support that I will receive in the future. There really is never enough words to explain how much each and every one of you mean to me. Having a support system is one of the most important things in life and I am truly thankful for the one that I was blessed with.
Thank you.