There was a time in my life when people had a lot to say about me. In fact, they still do. I was criticized for my mistakes and other peoples mistakes. Rumors were spread, and people believe anything they hear. I let it get to me. I was embarrassed and hurt because people believed false things about me. They didn't know the real me. It didn't matter if I tried to explain myself because explaining myself I felt justified their opinion more. Why explain myself if they have already judged and have a misconception of me? They seriously aren't worth it.
It hurt me. I let it get to me for awhile. Then you realize the people talking about you, most of the time, don't know you. Isn't that funny? The guys talking about you, don't know you. They are the ones you turned down, the ones that can't get you and are mad someone else did. Guys just get butt hurt and are too macho to let that show and then they spread lies and rumors, to make up for the fact she didn't want him.The girls talking about you don't know you. Girls are funny actually because they'll hate on a girl if she is pretty, or if you have the guy she wants. So that's just issues with themselves, not you. So keep doing you. There's going to be haters, there's going to be enemies, and there's going to be people who don't like you for whatever reason, but it's not your job to figure out why or waste energy on people who are irrelevant and negative to your life.
Let me tell you something. Haters don't hate you, it's something with themselves because you have something they want or you've made it to where they want to be. Enemies, like Eminem said, "You got enemies? Good. That actually means you stood up for something." The people who don't like you, are the ones living off gossip and the grape vine, let them keep living off that.
I remember one time I was in a fight with this guy, and he was telling me how all these people were saying bad things about me. My response was because they don't know me and that was the truth. I asked about one person we are both mutual friends with and this person knows what I've been through in the past year, he's helped me with guys, family, and friend problems. I asked him if my friend had ever talked about me negatively and he said,"No..," and I replied,"...because he knows me. He knows what I've been through and what I am going through."
People live off gossip. It's fun, it passes time for them when they are with their friends. Think about how you feel when you're talking gossip or talking about someone to your friends. You're not thinking of how the person you're talking about is feeling or how they would feel.
The people who know you and are truly there for you won't talk bad about you, they'll give you feedback. Be real with you, not bash your name and reputation behind closed doors. But to the people who do bash my name and reputation behind closed doors, I hope you learn to love yourself. Because "when you love yourself, you treat people as an equal." Remember that.
The person getting bashed and talked about rarely says anything to bash the other person back. It's not worth it to stoop to their level and entertain them on a lower level of self-love and maturity.
So next time someone who doesn't know you has something negative to say, remember who they are (irrelevant) and remember who you are and keep doing you. And for the gossip loving, I'll believe anything I hear people: You never know what anyone is going through so if you could think before you speak. But if you don't care then we are already higher than you because we don't stoop to your level of negativity. "When they go low, we go high." So...