Dear People Who Don't Ask For Permission First,
As most of you know it's common courtesy to ask someone to use their stuff before you actually use it. And by common courtesy, I mean that it's just plain common sense and shouldn't even be a second thought. So with that said, nobody should just be going up to stuff, they know isn't theirs, and start using it. You know what that says to me? "Oh, I'm really in need (or actually I just don't feel like using my own stuff) of this so I'm just gonna go ahead and use it and because of that I don't need to ask anyone if it's okay." Like excuse me sir or ma'am, but if that's your philosophy then maybe the next time I need $20 for something I'll just go into your wallet because it's "convenient." Now, I know you probably read that and were thinking to yourself "whoa whoa whoa, that seems a bit extreme and unnecessary," but that's exactly the point. When you use something of someone else's without asking, and maybe you use all of it or break it, then you're putting that person out of however much money they spent on said object. It may not seem like you're doing "any harm," but the next time someone puts me out $5 for hot glue sticks I'm not just gonna be down $5, I'm going to be one exasperated and irritated individual.
So whenever you use someone's personal belongings without asking and the realize it while it's happening, there is this sort of process that goes through that person's mind in regards to the situation.
Step #1: The first initial reaction to realizing someone is using your belongings is just pure annoyance. You think to yourself "I woke up today to have a great day and now the worst that can happen is happening. Someone just used my stuff and now I'm going to have to enter some sort of social interaction with strangers. I'm going to be awkward, they're not going to care, they'll apologize without meaning it, and I'll still be bitter afterward." And if you generally have bad anxiety, multiply that reaction by about 10.
Step #2: I won't actually do anything about the situation, because once again I'm a shrewd, passive aggressive individual. However I'll hope and pray deep down that you'll only use it one time, because maybe it was just an emergency, but you know what happens? Not that. You'll probably proceed to use my personal belongings another 5 or 6 times. Each time you use it, I internally scream a little bit louder and build up just a little bit more courage towards confronting you about the issue at hand.
Step #3: I've come to the worst conclusion that someone like myself could come to. I have to address the situation with you, face to face. You've proceed to use my stuff way more than just one time and each time you use it I realize more and more that you're using the stuff that I paid for with my own money. And being a college student, $5 is about a fifth of my actual money in my bank account. So that means the time has come and I've got to lay down the law with you and tell you to stop.
Step #4: I'll finally approach you and you'll probably awkwardly look at me like "why is this girl looking at me." After I've mentally died a little bit, I'll probably say something along the lines of "I've noticed you've been using my stuff without asking me first and I would really appreciate it if you would stop using it. I used my own money to buy this so it's pretty irritating to watch you use it without permission." Then after I've said what I've needed to say you'll look at me awkwardly for a few seconds and I'll get really awkward. So out of sheer awkwardness and feeling like I've just slapped your grandmother in the face, I'll really softly and quickly add "if you had just asked I would've lent it to you in the first place." So you know what you'll say next? "Well can I still use it?" AND OF COURSE I'LL SAY YES, BECAUSE SOCIAL SITUATIONS ARE THE WORST.
So moral of the story is this: if you need to use something, please for the love of all that is good with this world, just ask the person to use it. I'm sure that the person you ask, just like myself, will say yes in the first place and let you use. If you just ask steps 1-4 can all be avoided and you can save one awkward girl from mentally creating her own personal Armageddon in her head. It's just common courtesy so don't be a jerk.
The Girl Who Just Wants To Graduate College
P.S. All of this was over someone using my hot glue gun and sticks. #BackOffMyGlue2k17