As we all know it was recently decided who the next president of the United States of America is going to be. If you are anything like me you did not follow this election until the day everyone voted.
I do not necessarily know why I do not follow, or why I do not care, but I think sometimes it is because I am particularly not interested in the subject.
I guess after this election I learned that it does matter, and my vote would not have changed the outcomes but I would have gotten a say and that is something that I regret somewhat.
I can truthfully say after hearing multiple opinions about the candidates, I chose one in my head that I did not know anything about, I just knew she mainly wanted rights for women and I support anyone that wants to help women because I feel we are always looked down upon.
I can also say the other candidate comes to my mind as a joke. And, I being the girl that knows nothing about politics, I know it is not my place to judge. I have heard many opinions about him. Both negative, and positive. Like I said before I did not follow the campaign at all, but I did not want him to win.
As the night was getting later and later on election day I decided to turn the TV on. The election was on every main channel. I started seeing lots of red on the map and I was getting a little concerned. Not understanding anything but the fact that I "was with her". I could not go to sleep that night, I was constantly refreshing Twitter and Facebook.
I think the biggest thing that scares me with the president election is the fear of not being safe. And I think even the people that know politics have that fear too. It is scary thinking that one day something terrifying, like 9/11 could happen again. I am knowledgeable that our security, and government have improved by making sure nothing like that could happen again, but there are ways people try and take down our country regardless of how much protection we have.
As the results were finalized I am not going to lie, I was scared. I still am a little. But, I have to take into consideration that I would have been scared with the other candidate too. Becoming the president of the United States is one of the biggest accomplishments in someone's life. It has just landed in the hands of a new man, and I believe he will try his hardest to change this country. I am not saying I am with him, support him, follow him but I do believe in people and if they are willing to step up and try and change what is wrong, I will continue to believe.
Maybe there is good in him, maybe he will find good, I think we all need to realize what is done cannot be changed, and to move on. We need to come together as one, and just keep believing, there is always something to believe in, and making this country safe is just one of the first steps to the road of success.