I was inspired to write this article by the recent mass shooting in Orlando at a LGBT nightclub, and the reaction of a pastor that caused me more pain then the feeling I had when I found out 50 people were killed.
A man, a preacher of the word, someone whose congregation followed and listened to, has proven himself to be a preacher of hate rather than of Christ's love. A preacher in Northern California named Roger Jimenez preached a sermon about how the death of those people wasn't only a good thing, but that the people who died shouldn't be mourned and that he was upset that the gunman didn't finish the job. He claimed that this is what God wanted and the victims essentially deserved it for living in sin.
This sickens me, that someone could honestly feel this way about someone else because of their sexual orientation, especially someone who claims to be a child of God. I'm a Christian by faith in Christ, and I am a firm believer that the Bible is God’s Word. While I do believe that homosexuality is a sin based off of the words of the Bible, I don't believe that other people should be massacred because they are sinning. If this was the reality, every person on Earth would be stricken down by God at birth, because we are born into our sinful nature. Two sections of the Bible that specifically go against the teaching of people killing and it being justified by the fact that they are sinning is John 8:1-11 and James 2:10.
John tells us a story of the Pharisees bringing an adulterous woman to Jesus. They explain how she is to be stoned for her crime of adultery, because that was the law. They asked Christ what they should do. This next part is what Pastor Jimenez doesn't understand. Christ turned and told the Pharisees, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (NIV). All the accusers leave, because they were all guilty of sin, just as we are. Jesus tells the woman that she is free and tells her to leave and sin no more. This is what Christ does to those who are guilty of sin and deserve the punishment. He forgives them, not because He has to, but because He desires for that person to be forgiven and live a life without sin. We are not judge, jury and executioner.
We're all sinners waiting for our turn to get put on trial for our sins. So, to Pastor Jimenez, I would like to ask if you are without sin in your heart, so that you can judge and sentence these people to death ? If you believe that's what God wants to happen to the lost, then you are a man who needs God yourself. If you read your Bible, ever, you would know that Christ preached and taught love for everyone, not hate. Christians should be spending their time listening to sermons that tell them everyone can be given the love we received from Christ.
The second passage in the Bible I thought of was James 2:10, where it states that, “For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it” (NIV). To Pastor Jimenez, I ask again, are you without sin? Because if you have sinned once, you have broken all of the laws laid before you. The tragic death of 50 people, who could have one day seen their sin and decided to walk a different path, is not what God wants. Why would God send His Son to die just to kill those He was attempting to save? Christ didn't come to condemn the world, but to save it (John 3:17). We are all guilty of Sin and while some of us are forgiven through Christ’s blood and sacrifice, we're not the end all be all, and we have no more right to deserve Christ’s gift then those who died that day.
To Pastor Jimenez,
It truly is a sad day in the world where the words of one man deters people from the truth of the Lord. That is what has happened. You have stained the name of Christ by stamping your own judgment upon those who have died. Pastor Jimenez, I dare say that you are as bad and deserve the same punishment as the man who shot those people in the club. If I were you, I would begin reading my Bible more and resign from the job you clearly don't understand. As a pastor, preacher or teacher, you're to encourage people to go out and love their neighbors, because that is what Christ taught. The things you said are unacceptable, and you should issue a formal apology to the loved ones of those who were killed, along with a resignation from your position and a recant of your statement, declaring what you said to be unbiblical and wrong. When you come forth for forgiveness like Christ, I, as all Christians, should and will accept you with open arms when you admit that the things you said were wrong, and that you desire to follow Christ. If you desire to be forgiven for the wrongdoing, you have committed I will forgive you. If you don't, then know that you will have to talk to God about it at the judgment throne. I would wish you luck, but luck doesn’t exist there. Only grace could save you.
To Those Who Lost Loved Ones In This Tragic Event,
While I don't agree with the way your loved ones were living, I am truly sorry that this has happened and you will be in my prayers. May the Love and Peace Christ showed to those who follow Him wash over you. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. Your friends and family were human beings. They didn’t deserve to die any more than I, just because I am a Christian. “All fall short of the Glory of God.” What this pastor has said is unacceptable and I don’t want you to believe a word coming from his mouth. He is a false preacher sent to spread hate and dissent. The Bible states there are always false teachers in the midst, and that we shouldn't allow ourselves to be deceived by their false teachings. You are loved, and your loved ones are loved by you, and all those who truly believe in Christ should be sending the Love Christ gave us to you in this hard and trying time. To you, I say be strong and you have my support.