To the Parents Who Gave Me Everything When All They Had Was Nothing
Mom and Dad,
If there’s one thing you guys always told me you did as a parent, it was summed up in one word: sacrifice. As a kid, I never realized how much you guys sacrificed, but it was evident as I got older. Now that I’m older, my only hope is that I can give my children just as much, if not more, as you guys gave me. Here are some things I forgot to notice:
You guys didn't have much to give.
The two of you never completed college. You don't have jobs that are granting you both six figures but you somehow made it work. In my younger years when it was hard to make ends meet, you both managed to build your dream home, get us all the necessities we needed, and whatever was left over went towards sports, and other fun activities. Coming from backgrounds of simple living in Hawaii, the two of you didn't have everything you've given me. Because of your hard-working backgrounds you have made sure that I have a life better than what the two of you had.
You guys really balanced between spoiling me and making sure I wasn’t a brat. If I asked for something, chances were I got it. I wanted a bike, I got it. I wanted a pony, you guys bought a horse. Keeping up with the kids in school became so hard but you guys always made sure I had just as much as them.
You guys always worked harder than needed.
In order to make ends meet, you either picked up extra flights or shifts to make sure I would have the best of everything and always have what I needed. At the time, it seemed like you guys enjoyed doing this. The reality was you both dreaded it. To you guys it was important to do this with a smile on your face so I wouldn't have to know the burden you both had to go through.
You guys always made sure I knew right from wrong.
It wasn’t always about the material things in life. You guys gave me the knowledge you accumulated from the span of 30 plus years. I always minded my manners, knew how to appropriately talk to adults, and knew what choices to make in difficult situations.
You always wanted better for me.
You guys had pretty great lives growing up. But somehow you always made sure I was more privileged than you guys were. You guys made sure I had the best of everything, and that I used all my resources. You always pushed me to do better in school, better in sports, and better in life. I probably wouldn’t be half as hard of a worker as I am today. I wouldn't have a strong work ethic that I do, and I wouldn't be as self motivated as you have both shaped me to be.
You guys support me in every single way.
Lucky for me, you were both able to alter your work schedules almost any way you wanted to. You guys were there for every school event, every recital, every performance, every birthday, and every holiday. I never had to go without my parents being there to support me and watch what I was doing.
You guys enriched me in my culture.
Even though we were an entire ocean away from our family, you guys never let us feel like distance was a negative thing. You guys always made sure we were close to family. On top of that, you guys never let us go to Hawaii being tacky tourists so that’s a big thank you within itself.
You guys were so hard on me.
The amount of times you guys made me so frustrated by pushing me was unreal. There were so many times I went to bed cursing you both because I was tired of always being held to a higher standard. But, look at how that ended? I’m pretty great, if I say so myself.
You guys let me see the world.
Whenever I was given the opportunity to travel the world and visit other countries, you guys never hesitated to let me go. You guys did whatever it took to make ends meet and let me adventure without you to enrich myself with culture, and go places you were never able to go. I never had to study abroad to do this because you both wanted me to have pure fun while I was away.
You guys are pretty cool parents.
I guess it took me 21 years to realize it but better late than never, right? Of course, when I was younger I always thought you guys were typical annoying parents who constantly lectured me. Once I got older, I realized why you lectured me. Now I realize hanging out with mom is actually really fun since she’s my best friend. And I probably would have really enjoyed hanging out with dad.
All in all, you guys are pretty amazing. Now that I’m old enough to appreciate you guys, I don’t really know how I got so lucky to have you guys as my parents. All the sacrifices you guys made, things you’ve given me, and things you’ve taught me, have put me in a lifetime of debt. I only hope I can be as amazing of a parent as you guys are to me. I guess all there’s left to say is thank you.