That week comes at least once a semester, sometimes two, and if you’re a science or nursing major it’s probably every week: the week of being whole heartedly and uncontrollably overwhelmed. The assignments seem to pile up like a mountain on your desk and suddenly each line in your planner is full. There are papers on top of exams on top of readings on top of assignments on top of papers and there seems to be no end. But I’m here to tell you there is an end.
Yes, there’s only so many hours in a day and you do need to sleep and maybe your also in a hand full of clubs and involved with events that take up extra time. But college if for work, so you try to set aside the most time for that. I least that’s what I try to do. But there comes a point where there is simply too much to do and too little time. There comes a point where making a plan and a schedule can only go so far. So here’s my advice to you:
First, take a breath. Panicking will never make this week any better. Next, make a list of all the things you have to do. Then, hit the library, or a study lounge, or your desk or a common room. Literally, go anywhere you can focus and plug in your headphones and get to work. Because the only way you’ll get everything done is by starting, and doing it.
I know, it doesn’t sound like a lot of advice. But what I’ve learned most about being overwhelmed is that doing the work is the only way to get rid of that dreadful feeling. And once that week is over turn up the Netflix or treat yourself to a nice dinner and some ice cream or chocolate. Trust me, the overwhelming weeks hits us all, no matter how pro-active you are, it sneaks up and bites you in the ass. But, the week always ends and one you make it out alive the feeling of accomplishment is like no other.