When the world is in a rush and everyone’s in a hurry, I stop to admire people. Specifically, I notice the ones who don’t think much of their actions, but they are the ones who unknowingly inspire others. We don’t take the time to genuinely compliment someone on their effort or their passions. As humans, I don’t know why we’re afraid to show our soft side by expressing our intrigue, and I know that bad experiences are needed just as much as good. But when we focus too much on the down sides, we might forget all of the good in this world.
I bring up the subject of compliments and encouraging others because I appreciate the people who actively voice these sentiments. I admire the men, women, and children in my life who have continued to shine. My mother inspires me with her dedication and perseverance. Her beauty shines through her actions. My brother is strong and caring; something that is hard to do simultaneously. My friends, co-workers, and fellow students inspire me with their words of encouragement and knowledge. My social media friends inspire me with the quiet moments that they share on social media – their accomplishments, their goals, their love, and their adventures.
Most of all, I am inspired by women who continue to grow even after their heart has been broken. It’s easy for the heartbroken to say that they’re fine, but it takes a strong person to refuse to let their pain get in the way of their dreams. I always want to give them a hug, but I’m proud of them for making the choice to heal. A life plagued by disappointment after disappointment is still worthy of finding true happiness.
I’ve seen kids’ faces light up when I tell them they have a nice smile or a kind heart. I’ve complimented strangers on their jewelry or their outfit and they beam with excitement. All it takes is a nicely placed compliment to light up someone’s world. We have been given the power to make someone’s life easier. We should use that gift to lift others.
But for the ones who have been inspiring souls from the start, thank you. Thank you for courageously being all that you are, unapologetically. Thank you for dwelling through those lonely nights and clinging on to your passions. Thank you for expressing your heart. Thank you for sharing your beacon of light with others. To you, your presence might not seem significant, but to others, you are the world. Thank you for being a part of someone’s story.