“Stop working so much,” or “enjoy life,” or “you need to slow down,” or the worst one, “you need to take something off your plate” are comments, concerns and statements I hate.
I am someone who works two jobs, now writes articles, am involved with on campus clubs, work out and go to school full time. Yes, I understand it's a lot, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. See, here’s the thing; I like to stay busy, I like having things to do and things to look forward to. So when you comment that I need to stop working so much, why? I don’t need you telling me how to live my life. It’s mine to live. If I want to be responsible and work two jobs as a full-time student, then so be it. I understand you want to give me the life lessons you have learned and that you’re just trying to show you care, but I’m doing just fine.
If I didn’t have all of these things to keep me busy, what would I be doing? Bingeing Netflix all day and sitting at home bored? No thanks. I am not trying to waste my life away by trying to watch the most amount of TV shows possible. I’d rather be out learning new things and experiencing things I have never done before.
I am graduating college with a Bachelor's Degree in three years and I will only be 20. People tell me I shouldn’t wish my college years away and I should stay and enjoy it more, but why? I don’t want to be in debt for the rest of my life, or in school for the rest of my life, for that matter. I’d rather be working and spending my free time doing the things I want to do, like traveling, instead of homework, wouldn’t you? Is it just me, or am I crazy? Yes, college is a fun time for a little while, but it's not for me, so please stop telling me not to graduate early or not to wish it away.
I like that I can rely on myself. I don’t need to beg my parents for money or stay in for the night instead of going out with my friends. (Both of these things still happen, but that’s just me trying to be responsible and a typical college student). It’s not to say that I don’t still struggle, but I know that in the end I can rely on myself and be able to handle situations like an adult.
Without all of these things I'd be lost; I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Would I become less self-motivated? Would I be careless and lazy? I don’t want to find out. Working two jobs and going to school is tough, I’m not going to lie to you, but I think it's so worth it. I am being mature, responsible, and learning what it's like to be an adult. I do break down sometimes because it is tough, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.