To the one who broke my heart. I thank you.
He came across all sweet and charming and at a point in time, made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. He made me feel like I was his world. He was constantly saying how I was the love of his life and how he couldn't live without me, but that was then. As time went on, things changed, he changed, and I changed. He chose to go down a bad path, picking everything else over me. He was making me feel like I was worthless and unimportant in his life and this came right after he proposed to me, and I said yes. His true colors started to show and I saw who he really was. He was cold, heartless, and violent. No he never touched me, but there were times I was afraid he was going too. I was scared to leave. The man I thought I knew was gone and the man I was with was breaking my heart.
When I finally grew the strength and courage to finally leave, I was heart broken. I thought without him, I would be lost and confused and I wouldn't know what to do. But I was wrong. It sounds strange, but sometimes getting your heart broken could be the best thing to ever happen to you. You wake up the next morning and become a whole new person. That is what happened to me. I woke up feeling like a whole new person.
Thank you, for showing me that without you, I can be happy. With you, I was always so miserable and looking at everything in a negative perspective. The stress of dating you caused me to be someone I'm not. You stopped making me happy, you stopped randomly putting a smile on my face. You started making me a person who was crying everyday because they were so miserable with their lives. But now that you're gone, I'm more happier than ever and living life to it's fullest. Everyday, I wake up happy and go to sleep happy, because I'm not with you. I don't have to be constantly worrying about you or I don't have to be stressing over you and the stupid choices you had made. I am happy again.
Thank you, for showing me that without you, I don't have to settle in life anymore. You made me feel like I had to settle. That I couldn't live my dreams because your dreams were more important and mine weren't. You made me feel like I had to settle for you, because no other guy out there was better than you. That every man out there was the bad guy, except you. Now, I'm not settling in life for you. I'm setting out my journey in becoming a cardiac surgeon, just like I've always dreamed. I don't have you standing in my way anymore to hold me back and bring me down, feeling like my dream isn't important. Because one day, I will save lives, and you won't.
Thank you, for showing me that without you, I can be me again. In the most important time of my life, where I'm in the processes of figuring out my life and who I want to be, you took that away from me. Now I can finally start this journey of soul searching. For three and a half years, I was someone who I never wanted to be, because of you. Without you, I'm not the stressed out miserable person I was, now, I can't wipe the smile off my face! Every day is a new day and a new journey for me, and now I know if one day a challenge comes up, I can face it with the strength and courage I've built from leaving you. I have never felt so happy and confident in my young life. With this new found confidence, I feel happy, beautiful, sexy, and I feel like I can face anything that comes at me.
Without you, I am me.
I know in the future, I will face many more challenges. But because of you, I know I will be able to face these challenges head on and get through them. I know that because of you, I can overcome any challenges that head towards me, because you gave me the strength to do so. Because you broke my heart, I know I can face anything life throws at me.
To the one who broke my heart. I thank you.