You’re not who you used to be. You have overcome so many obstacles, and these obstacles have changed you, drastically.
You were a only a teenager, but you had a desire to provide for yourself. You did not want to be needy to your family, so you got a job as only a young teen to pay for your own wants. This built you to be independent.
You fell in love, a couple times. Your first love hurt you deeply, you know the first cut and all of that. You did not do anything wrong, he was just blind to your beauty and too small minded for your intelligence. Your second heart break hurt you even more, and even though you blame yourself for destructing your relationship, he was also unable to love you the way you needed to be loved. You are not that damaged or broken teenager anymore, you are a strong woman. These heartbreaks made your walls taller than the empire state building, and the right man will be willing to climb over them and overcome you. Let them fall for who you are, do not feel ashamed of who you used to be.
You suffered so many losses, both in simple burned bridges of friendships and loss by death. Each and every time you lost someone, you changed. Your skin got thicker, and you became more cautious of who you’ve attached yourself to, and that is okay. Watching drugs and alcohol destroy the lives of the ones you love is traumatic. You are allowed to feel that pain. It has caused your bones to ache almost every day, take that ache and turn it into the passion you have to help people. You wear your heart on your sleeve, and this trait is not for everyone. Give yourself to those who deserve you, you’ll thank yourself later (when you realize how greatly your life is filled with love and positivity).
You have always worked yourself to a point of stretching yourself too thin. Every job you’ve had affected you in a different way. You’ve learned to have more patience, to be forgiving and understand, and that you must work for whatever it is you want. Things don’t just happen, you have to earn it. You should be proud of yourself.
5 years ago, you may have considered yourself broken, heavy, messy, and even a little selfish.
You have grown up, and what is important to realize is that not everyone is going to see that. You owe them nothing. You deserve to allow the you you are now shine bright, and be strong. You will accomplish so many wonderful things, you will be on top of the world someday!
I love you.