It seems just about yesterday that I stood right there in your shoes. You’re anxious, excited, ready, and hesitant. It's a big change, going off to a new school with not a familiar face (or, perhaps a small handful) and with a family left behind.
You’ve just come off the euphoria of residing at the top of the school. You were the ones that once paved the way, and now here you are, embarking on something new as an underclassman once again.
Cherish these last few moments at home. Really pay attention; soak it all up, breathe it all in. Hug your mom a little tighter, be a little kinder to those pesky siblings. These last moments are what you will come back to in those moments of homesickness that will inevitably sneak up and coil its way around your heart. Even if you think you won’t miss this at all, at some point, you will.
This is a huge change. But it is also a time for substantial growth. High school graduation marked the end of one journey, and this fall will open the door to the next great adventure. You are going to grow and change in more ways than you can possibly expect.
If you're lucky enough to go to a school with no one else who you know - use this to your advantage. No longer are you restricted to the base stereotypes that dominated the halls of high school. Now is the time to find who you are, and to live it. Fearlessly. You are now able to fully be the person who you are and who you want to be. No one will label you as “the band geek,” “the computer nerd,” or “the weird one.” Nothing in your past defines you here. You are new. You have a chance to live out who you are in fearless determination. You do not have to hide, you do not have to fake anymore. You have the unrestricted freedom to be you.
Your studies come first, but never underestimate the amazing and wonderful powers of a well earned mental health day. If you find yourself stressed beyond reason, take a deep breath, prepare yourself a cup of tea or hot chocolate, and map out what day during the week will work to your advantage to take off. Finish up any lingering assignments to the best of your ability, call off work, e-mail your teachers that you will be out of class, and use your cherished moments of freedom for self care. Watch a movie, take a walk, journal, pray, chill, and do anything that will help you to relax. Don’t stress. Ultimately, everything will be alright, and everything will work out in the way its supposed too.
Don’t overpack, don’t blow all of your money at the nearest coffee shop, pack a picture of your family, invest in a planner (and use it!), bring one book just for fun and leisure, and do not be afraid. Literally everyone else you encounter during those first few days of orientation are in your exact shoes. You are all starting something new, and that can be absolutely terrifying, but it can be a wonderful and amazing experience if you allow it.
Call your mother at least once a week. To be honest, you would not have made it to this pivotal moment if it wasn't for your parents love, sacrifice, and unending care.
Dive right in with fearless wonder. Your life is just beginning. Carpe that Diem, live in the moment, and cherish not only what you left behind, but all that is yet to come. Your life is just beginning.
You will be great.
Now go forth and conquer the new school year. Cherish every single moment. And live.