All mom’s are superheroes. To all mom’s — I applaud you. You are doing the most amazing job in the world. But, to the mom’s who are doing it all on their own, without a partner — to my mom: I admire you in ways I can’t even explain.
You are truly my superhero. You hold so many characteristics I can only hope to someday hold. How you do everything you do all on your own will forever be a mystery to me. You are the most selfless person I know. I couldn’t even count all the times you have exemplified selflessness. The most obvious way is how you have continuously, throughout my life put myself and my sister above yourself. The hundreds of extra shifts you’ve taken just to be able to give us a good education and provide us with luxuries we didn’t really “need” to live. The many 24-hour, no-sleep periods you’ve pushed through just to be able to work and drive us to school. You never quit. Ever. You never just made sure we had the basic necessities of life, you wanted us to have the best of everything. I have to say, sometimes that makes me feel undeserving because I haven’t always treated you the best, and for that, I am sorry.
Mom, you’ve always told me life is tough, but you’ve also told me that it’s worth it and every day you show me how true this is. I have never met someone so hardworking and determined. Whether it be working your job or taking care of your kids, you always do the best you can no matter how exhausted you may be.
You know how women are always like, “I don’t need no man”? Well, if there has ever been a woman who has doubted that she just needs to look at you. You’ve done it all and all on your own. You are seriously wonder woman.
Thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on and open ears whenever I needed to vent or just felt like talking someone’s ear off. You have been there for me from the beginning — seriously, when I was first born and stuck in the hospital you never wanted to leave me and were there for me every chance you got. You have always told me I can do anything I put my mind to and have always been an example of that. No matter my decisions or choices you always support me and I know that is not something all kids can say.
I honestly don’t know how you do this all on your own, it seems so impossible but I also know if there is anyone who can do the impossible it’s you. Mom, I am so proud and honored to get to call you my mom and I can only hope I can be half as good of a mom as you.
“Life is Good”; because of you. I love you to the moon and back.