We may fight often, argue about aspects of life that do not need to be argued about, and lose our tempers at the smallest of issues, but the truth is, I wouldn’t be where I am in life today without you or mom. Throughout the past 21 years of my life, I’ve felt as though I’ve experienced the world, when I really have only experienced a small portion of it. I’ve seen the great, the good, the mediocre, the bad, and the extremely bad. Regardless of what I have been through, I know that every experience only helps me continue to grow into the person I am meant to be.
You may not always agree with my decisions, and may find yourself upset with me more often than not, but dad, at the end of the day the only words I can stammer out are thank you. I know those words don’t even begin to explain the half of what you do for me or how much I appreciate it, but what you don’t know is the meaning behind those two small words. You have taught me more than you know, and the two small words, thank you, have more meaning than anyone may ever have the ability to understand.
Thank you for:
Instilling in my mind that hard work pays off.
Things may not always go as planned, but in life that is expected. All you can do is approach a situation at your best, and take it as it may come. You will never regret working hard, but I can tell you that you’ll always regret not working hard enough.
Having standards.
We all know I haven’t had the greatest track record with men. I mean honestly up to a certain point I could have described my love life as a serious of unfortunate events. But regardless of the situation, you were always there to be an ear to listen, or a shoulder to cry on, and for that, I forever thank you. You may not know it, but you showed me the importance of standards. Thank you for teaching me to walk away from anything that no longer serves me, grows me, or makes me happy.
Teaching me what I deserve.
You and mom have both taught me to never settle for less than I deserve. You showed me what I should expect from any man that every makes his way into my life, and to simply walk away if it is anything short of that. You told me to stop looking in all the wrong places, and to just focus and let everything fall into place the way it is meant to. Thank you for instilling in my head that everything happens for a reason, and to be strong no matter the situation.
Believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself.
For all those times I felt like giving up, you were always there to make sure I didn’t. For all those times I never felt like trying again, you pushed me to give it one last shot. For all those times I fell and couldn’t stand back up on my own, you were there to give me a supporting hand. Thank you for showing me the importance of believing in my own future as much as you believe in it for me.
Reminding me you’re proud of me.
Thanks for the little texts you send me every week reminding me how proud you are of me for what I am doing and for where I am going. It’s always an incentive and reminder to me to keep going in the times I feel like giving up the most.
Being one of my biggest role models.
Thank you for coming to every school event, every dance recital, every dance competition, and so many more. I can always count on you to be my loudest (male) cheerleader, and one of my strongest support systems. Thank you for being the strongest male role model in my life, and for showing me to never stop short of the success that is to make it’s way into my future.
Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do. I can’t ever seem to find the words to thank you enough. I hope you come to know and understand the true value and meaning behind the words “thank you” after reading this. I love you, Dad.
Your little girl