To My Dad,
You make me laugh like no one else can. Thank you for always being able to cheer me up when I am down whether it's making fun of me (which I love) or speaking in funny voices, you always find a way to make me die laughing.
Growing up, we fought because we are so similar, but now we are like two peas in a pod. Thank you for just being my Dad, I happen to think that I have the best Dad in the world! Thank you for always being there for me, no matter how far away I am, you always are there when I need you. Thank you for everything you do for me and the family. You are such a hard worker and I know I got my work ethic from both of my parents who work so hard day in and day out.
Thank you for teaching me how to have fun! You taught me about "Work hard, play harder." While I am still learning this lesson, I thank you for teaching it to me through showing, not just telling. Thank you for your de-sensitivity training, while I was growing up. I can take anything from anyone because of that training. Thank you for making me the person who I am today. You have been instrumental in my growth as a person.
Thank you for always inspiring me to be my best and put in the work no matter the outcome. You have taught me that you care about the work going into anything that I am doing rather than the actual outcome. You have given me lifelong lessons that I will always remember and always put into use.
I will never forget our funny jokes and voices that we share together and I always look forward to coming home and you making fun of me for my silly ways. Growing up, I did not like you making fun of me very much, but I now love it and it cracks me up, so don't stop doing it!
I love you Dad with all my heart! I am the luckiest girl in the world to have you as a father.